The Clean Marina Program
About Clean Marinas
Characteristics of a Clean Marina include design considerations, marina management, emergency planning, fuel control, proper sewage and waste disposal, stormwater control, habitat protection, and boater education. Benefits to marinas include reduction of waste disposal costs, attraction of responsible boaters, and potential new sources of revenue.
National Clean Marina Program
The national Clean Marina Program consists of 38 state programs, united under similar environmental goals and management practices. This voluntary program assists marina operators with implementing environmentally sound working and maintenance procedures. The program also encourages collaboration and cooperation among marinas, regulatory agencies, and the boating community.
South Carolina Clean Marina Program
The goal of the South Carolina Clean Marina Program is to protect and improve local water quality of South Carolina waters by reducing pollution from marinas.
This voluntary program provides the opportunity for marinas, boatyards, and yacht clubs to receive recognition for helping to establish and promote a cleaner marine environment for South Carolina.
The South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium provides the primary management for the program. Consortium staff organize workshops, oversee the website, build promotional content, and are responsible for maintaining relations with current and potential Clean Marinas. Additional coordination and oversight occurs through the technical advisory committee, consisting of agency representatives and industry professionals.
Program Administration
The South Carolina Clean Marina Program is coordinated by the South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium, in partnership with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) and South Carolina Department of Environmental Services’ Bureau of Coastal Management (SCDES-BCM).Â